I've been in a bit of a funk recently - I think partly that the suffering of the world has been weighing heavily on my heart. But today was a pretty good day. Trying to stay in the moment helps me so much. Phoenix and I went to visit with our mama friend Jeneen and our two smaller friends Haiku & Rilke. It was kind of a surreal morning somehow. We haven't seen them in over a year, and it was very grounding. On the way there, I was listening to WPFW & they happened to have a show which was addressing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Atom & I have been talking about that recently, & I've realized that I know very little about what is at the heart of the conflict. So I turn on the radio, & there was a program that helped make the whole picture a bit clearer to me. Then, I was very moved by something the hostess said at the end of the broadcast, which is that the people have Haiti have paid a great sacrifice - the souls who gave their lives in this catastrophe have brought people together, united the human family in compassionate acts to help our fellow brothers and sisters, whether we send them food, money, doctors, or our love & prayers. And that is exactly what humanity needs right now, solidarity, compassion, empathy, love, and peace and justice, which are much harder to obtain.
So I really appreciated what she had to say, & then we had a wonderful morning with the munchkins, playing at their house, snacking, chatting, strolling, & exploring down by the creek... For a little while, it was raining little ice balls & then started to snow, big fat wet clusters gently floating down through the sky. Wish I'd gotten a picture dangit! It was captivating.
Then we had some lunch together, Phoenix and I came home (he was screaming & crying - he did not want to leave, but passed out within 5 minutes of being in the car), I did some work, picked up Adobe from the bus stop, invited one of Adobe's newer best friends Katy over, all went for a treat at the local coffee shop.... Then we came back here, the kids got to play, Atom & I hung out in the studio for a long while diggin' deep in conversation while he tidied up & worked on a xylophone he's making from wrenches, ordered some Thai food, and little Miss Adobe got to have Katy spend the night.
Yeah. It was a good day. And now, I'm exhausted. Time to fold up.
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