Friday, January 30, 2009

boundless voice beginnings

this is a test of the artismooney broadcasting system...

i've been wanting to start a public blog, even though as yet i barely have time to publish to my personal blog, and make changes to my website.

but i have to do it. i have so much going on in my head all the time that i want to write about. and as my other blog and website are made with iweb, i figured i'd check out this blogger thing and see how i like the format.

if you happen to be stumbling upon this, here, sometime in the future, you will find ramblings about all manner of things, including holistic health practices, musings on politics, childrearing, 'homeschooling', teaching, the history of institutionalized schooling, the (brief) history of institutionalized childbirth, love, travel, daydreams, food as medicine, adventures with my art & photography,... the possibilities are boundless.

in the meantime, check out my website, to see some of my art & photography and learn a little more about me.